QUICK HEALTH TIPS: Why and how to use MDS Forte correctly. 0
If you are seeking to regulate your glucose metabolism in a natural way, we suggest you try our product. MDS Forte should be taken on a daily basis in any of these two ways:
1. FORM OF USE 1: Add 30 drops to a glass of water and drink before each meal. This will be 90 drops daily.
2. FORM OF USE 2: Add 90 drops to your bottle of water (1 lt) and drink it throughout the day...
- Tony Ruiz
- Tags: Quick Health Tips

QUICK HEALTH TIPS: The importance of staying hydrated! 0
First of all, around 60-70% of our body is made up of water, and around 70% of the planet's surface is covered by water, weird coincidence?
Most people don't like to drink enough water because they say it dosen't "taste good", and let's face it, not everything should be delicious...this is good for your overall well-being!
Here are some quick facts about drinking enough water:
- Tony Ruiz
- Tags: Quick Health Tips