
#DrRuizHealthTips: The top three supplements against the current health threat... 0
As we have seen, despite all the efforts to find a solution, things are not getting any better, and COVID19 keeps spreading, causing anxiety throughout the world population. Instead of waiting helplessly for a vaccine to be approved and shown to be effective, with no harmful side effects, we should focus on time honored and effective NATURAL remedies that have a long history of success.- Anthony R

#DrRuizHealthTips: Diabetic, and now the corona virus threat…..what to do? 0
The first and most important action: don’t panic! I will be listing here the very effective measures that I recommend to my patients, and now available to you through this article. Worrying and panicking will only aggravate things, making your diabetic condition even worse by stimulating the release of Cortisol, a hormone that plays havoc with your circulatory system. So please, stay calm. Now let’s get into the measures available:
- Anthony R

QUICK HEALTH TIPS: Spices in the diabetic daily diet 0
Americans commonly eat bland foods. They find spices abhorrent. They avoid them for fear they would hurt their stomachs or cause indigestion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Spices stimulate digestion and improve the function of the stomach and intestines. People on bland diets are the greatest candidates for diabetes, whereas the disease is rarer in heavy spice eaters.- Anthony R

QUICK HEALTH TIPS: Important facts about controlling diabetes, PART II 0
Today, the entire approach to diabetes is fraudulent. A strong relationship to diet is neglected. Regarding the toxicity of common or processed foods there is little or no mention. The role of chronic infection and/or inflammation is neglected, rather, ignored.- Anthony R

QUICK HEALTH TIPS: Important facts about controlling diabetes, PART I 0
Here is a fact that literally blows the mind: In the Western world, diabetes is perhaps the greatest of all epidemics! The costs to Western civilization is in the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and this on a yearly basis!! Yet, incredibly, of all modern diseases it is surely the most preventable. This is because it is virtually exclusively a dietary disease.- Anthony R

QUICK HEALTH TIPS: Chronic fatigue syndrome 0
Chronic fatigue síndrome (CFS) is not really a disease as such, but rather a characteristic and complex array of symptoms that mimic other illnesses. The symptoms of this syndrome resemble those of flu and other viral infections, so it is quite often mistaken for other disorders. In fact, it is often misdiagnosed as hypochondria, psychosomatic illness, or depression because routine medical tests do not detect any problems.- Anthony R